The First time I visited Berlin someone told me that you can be anything you want to here. I had this stuck in my head for years and I always knew I will move to Berlin one day and that day has finally come in 2018.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that Berlin has so much to offer for indie fashion designers. Shops and markets full of zero waste , upcycled clothing, underground punk and fetish inspired designs , simply my kind of attitude towards fashion.
Right after moving, I went to a studio visit and fashion show of one of the brands I admire, started making connections and selling in designer markets and stores very soon.
The city inspired me to go and dig deeper in my curiosity for fetishwear and party clothes and also to start making more and more pieces for men. The thirst for freedom and love in Berlin is an endless well of inspiration for me and it easily goes with my dreamy girlish stlye …and also dont forget punk !
Now you can find me at the designer markets of Berlin and also in a supercool shop in Kreuzberg, the Pink Caddilac.